Tuesday, November 4

PHOTO ESSAY: Wells Near the Dead Sea

This week MCC workers were able to visit Bedouin and other rural communities near the Dead Sea. One of our local partners, the Bethlehem YMCA, is working with these communities to rehabilitate old wells to help provide these often-marginalized communities with water. They would use this water for agriculture and livestock, the two staples of their communities and their only source of any type of income.

One Palestinian man that accompanied us on the trip told us that he really appreciated working with the Bethlehem YMCA (link to the right). As he explained, "They're not like most large organizations that look for projects that will promote their name. They specifically seek out the poorest of the poor and look for ways to actively help them." We're proud of our partners here in Israel/Palestine, and this is just one example of why...

Photo Essay

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